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1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant
1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant
1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant
1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant
1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant
1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant
1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant
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1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant which was then gilded and coloured. The item is in pristine condition.
I can deliver to Vila Nova de Poiares, Lousa and central Coimbra, or alternatively send via CTT at the buyer's expense.
ID: 654266859

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Publicado 04 de maio de 2024

1937 German Reich 10 Pfennig with Swastika made into a pendant

30 €




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