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A Holocaust reader-Responses to the Nazi extermination -Michael Morgan
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Titulo: A Holocaust reader- Responses to the Nazi extermination
Autor: Michael L. Morgan
Editora: New York Oxford University Press
Idioma: Inglês
Estado: Bom. Etiqueta à frente

Notas adicoinais:

The most comprehensive and representative collection of its kind, A Holocaust Reader: Responses to the Nazi Extermination features writings by theologians, literary figures, cultural critics, philosophers, political theorists, and others. It surveys the major themes raised by the Holocaust and examines the most provocative and influential responses to these topics and to the Holocaust itself. Organized in a roughly chronological pattern, the volume opens with early responses from the postwar period. Subsequent sections cover the emergence of central theological statements in the late 1960s and 1970s, the development of post-Holocaust thinking in the 1970s and 1980s, and burgeoning reflections on the significance of the death camps. Connections between the Holocaust and important events and episodes in Western culture in the 1980s and 1990s are also discussed.
A Holocaust Reader: Responses to the Nazi Extermination offers selections from Theodor W. Adorno, Jean Am´ery, Hannah Arendt, Omer Bartov, Eliezer Berkovits, Michael Andr´e Bernstein, Martin Buber, Arthur A. Cohen, A. Roy Eckardt, Emil L. Fackenheim, Saul Friedlander, Amos Funkenstein, Irving Greenberg, Andreas Huyssen, Hans Jonas, Berel Lang, Primo Levi, Johann Baptist Metz, Richard Rubenstein, Kenneth Seeskin, Franklin Sherman, David Tracy, Elie Wiesel, Robert E. Willis, and Michael Wyschogrod. Ideal for courses in the Holocaust, Jewish studies, and the philosophy of religion, this extensive collection will also be of interest to general readers and scholars.

Referência: BY26
Vendedor: AB

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Publicado 02 de junho de 2024

A Holocaust reader-Responses to the Nazi extermination -Michael Morgan

15 €


Bye Bye Bad Days



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