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Arte - Catálogos e monografias Internacionais #1 (A-R)
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Todos os livros/CDs/DVDs têm preços diferentes. Se tiver interesse em algum título, envie mensagem.

Art Guys (The)
Think Twice. Abrams

Bacon, Francis
Bacon: portraits et autoportraits. Les Belles Lettres / Archimbaud (1996)
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Baldessari, John
This not That. Cornerhouse (1995)
Noses & Ears, ETC. Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art (2007)

Barney, Matthew
Pace car for the Hubris Pill. Museum Boymans-van Beuningen (1996)
New Work. SFMOMA (1991)
Drawing Restraint 7. Cantz (1995)
Cremaster 1. Kunsthalle Wien (1997)
Cremaster 2. Walker Art Center (1999)
Cremaster 3. Guggenheim Museum (2002)
Cremaster 4. Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, Paris (1995)
Cremaster 5. Portikus/ Barbara Gladstone Gallery (1997)
Cremaster 1. Museum für Gegenwartskunst (1998)
The Cremaster Cycle. Guggenheim Museum (2002)
DVD - The Order. Palm Pictures (2004)
CD - Cremaster 2
CD - Cremaster 3
CD - Cremaster 5
Poster - The Cremaster Cycle. Japanese edition

Barreto, Adriana
O que pode um corpo. Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art (2013)
Agora sim. Apicuri (2012)

Beuys, Joseph
Halpern: Joseph Beuys Transformer.

Bonnard, Pierre
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Cage, John
The Anarchy of Silence: John Cage and Experimental Art. MACBA (2009)
Hanne Darboven/John Cage: A Dialogue of Artworks. Hatje Cantz (2000)

Caira, Giulia
Speculum. Pendragon (1999)

Cantor, Ellen
My Perversion Is the Belief in True Love: Video/Art. Scalo (1999)

Cardiff, Janet
A Survey of Works Including Collaborations with George Bures Miller. P.S.1 (2001)
The Walk Book. Walther König (2005)
Paradise Institute. ABC Art Books Canada (2001)
Killing Machine : And Other Stories 95-07. Hatje Cantz (2007)
Janet Cardiff & Gerorge Bures Miller. Fruitmarket Gallery (2008)

Cezanne, Paul
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Chagal, Marc
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Christo. Taschen

Clark, Lygia
Lygia Clark. RMN (1998)

Cragg, Tony
Cragg. MNC de Arte Reina Sofía

Dalí, Salvador
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)
Salvador Dalí. Taschen
Salvador Dalí. Taschen
Salvador Dalí. Taschen

Degas, Edgar
Degas. Taschen

Dittborn, Eugenio
Pinturas aeropostais. Pavilhão Branco

Douglas, Stan
Stan Douglas. Phaidon
Stan Douglas. MNC de Arte Reina Sofía
Stan Douglas (Photo Video). Centre Georges Pompidou (1993)

Duchamp, Marcel
The Writings of Marcel Duchamp. Da Capo Press (1989)
CD - Futurism & Dada Reviewed 1912-59. LTM ‎– LTMCD 2301
CD - Marcel Duchamp ‎– The Entire Musical Work. Dog W/A Bone ‎– DWAB01

Ernst, Max
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Escher, M.C.
Escher. MPAC Praha (1994)
Gravura e Desenhos. Taschen
O espelho mágico de M.C. Escher. Taschen
Caleidociclos de M.C. Escher. Taschen

Fischl, Eric
Eric Fischl. Vintage (1987)
Eric Fischl. Aarhus Kunstmuseum (1991)

Fomsgaard, Jes
DCA. NYC (1997)

Gauguin, Paul
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Giger, HR
HR Giger ARh+. Taschen
Giger's Alien. Titan Books

Gonzalez-Torres, Felix
Catalogue Raisonne. Hatje Cantz (1997)
Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Art Press (1993)
Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1996)

Gordon, Douglas
Feature Film. Serralves Foundation (2000)

Goya, Francisco
Tout l'oeuvre peint de Goya. Flammarion (2008)

Gris, Juan
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

The Guerrilla Girls
Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls. Perennial (1995)

Harring, Keith
Future Primeval. Abbeville Press (1992)

Helnwein. Taschen (1992)

Hill, Gary
Gary Hill. Centre Georges Pompidou (1992)
Around and about a performative view. Editions du Regard (2001)

Hirschhorn, Thomas
Anschool II. Serralves (2005)

Hirst, Damien
Prix Eliette von Karajan '95. Osterfestspiele Salzburg (1995)

Hopper, Edward
Hopper Drawings. Whitney MOAA

Horn, Roni
Making Being Here Enough. Kestner-Gesellschaft, Kunsthalle Basel (1995)

Hornig, Sabine
Landscape Negative. Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art (2008)

Johns, Jasper
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)
A retrospective. MoMa (1996)

Jubelin, Narelle
Ecru, Pavilhão Branco

Judd, Donald
Catálogo de exposição da Tate. Tate Publishing (2004)

Kabakov, Ilya
Ilya Kabakov: On the "Total" Installation. Hatje Cantz (1997)
Ülo Soosteri piltidest. Tallinn Kirjastus "Kunst" (1996)

Kandinsky, Wassily
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)
Wassily Kandinsky. Taschen

Kapoor, Anish
Anish Kapoor. Gal. Andre Viana (1999)

Katz, Alex
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Klee, Paul
Paul Klee. Taschen

Klein, Yves
Yves Klein. Taschen
Yves Klein. Cantz (1994)

Klimt, Gustav
Klimt. Taschen

Kokoschka, Oskar
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Koons, Jeff
Jeff Koons (EN). Taschen
The Jeff Koons Handbook. Rizzoli (1993)

Kosuth, Joseph
No Exit. Cantz (1991)
Guests and Foreigners. Berlin Press (2001)
Art After Philosophy and After. The MIT Press (1993)
No Thing, No Self, No Form, No Principle Was Certain. Cantz (1993)
A Room With 23 Qualities. Cantz (1992)
The Play of the Unmentionable. The New Press (1992)

Kruger, Barbara
Love for Sale. Harry N. Abrams (1996)
Thinking of You. The MIT Press & The Museum of Contemporary Art (1999)
Remote Control: Power, Cultures, and the World of Appearances. The MIT Press (1994)

Kupka, František
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Léger, Fernand
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Lempert, Jochen
Recent field work. Culturgest / Walther König (2009)

Levine, Sherrie

Lichtenstein, Roy
Lichtenstein. Taschen

Lissitzky, El
Proun 30t. Sprengel Museum Hannover

López, Antonio
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Malevich, Kazimir
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Marclay, Christian
Christian Marclay. Steidl (2003)

Masi, Denis
Obras de Denis Masi

Matisse, Henri
Henri Matisse. Taschen
Matisse. Taschen
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

McCarthy, Paul
Hammer Oranges Apple. Revolver Verlag (2003)
Paul Mccarthy. Hatje Cantz (2000)

Miró, Joan
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Modigliani, Amedeo
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Moffatt, Tracy
Tracey Moffatt. Fundacio la Caixa / Centre National de la Photographie Paris (1999)
Free-Falling. Dia Center for the Arts (1998)

Mondrian, Piet
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Moses (Grandma)
Grandma Moses. Crescent Books (1991)

Mucha, Alphonse
Mucha: The Triumph of Art Nouveau. Terrail (1992)

Mullican, Matt
Matt Mullican. Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art

Munch, Edvard
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Nauman, Bruce
Raw Materials. Tate Publishing, UK (2004)
Bruce Nauman: images, textes, 66-96. Centre Georges Pompidou (1997)
Werke aus den Sammlungen Froehlich (DE). Cantz (1999)
Bruce Nauman. Rizzoli (1988)

Nicholson, Ben
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Nuñez Gasco, Javier
Javier Nuñez Gasco. Litonor (2007)

This is My Body. This is My Software. Black Dog (1996)

Orozco, Gabriel
Clinton is Innocent. Musée D'art Moderne De La Ville De Paris (1998)

Oursler, Tony
Tony Oursler. capc Bordeaux (1997)

Paxton, Steve
Drafting interior techniques. Culturgest

Picasso, Pablo
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)
Pablo Picasso. Taschen
Los Genios de la pintura Española. Sarpe
El Museo Picasso de Barcelona. Everest (1978)
Opere dal 1895 al 1971 dalla collezione Marina Picasso. Sansoni (1981)
Dibujos (colección comunicación visual - serie gráfica). GG

Prince, Richard
Paintings - Photographs. Hatje Cantz (2002)
The Girl next Door. Hatje Cantz (2000)

Reinhardt, Ad
Ad Reinhardt. Rizzoli (1991)
Art as Art. California Press (1991)

Complete Etchings of Rembrandt. Dover (1994)
Dibujos (colección comunicación visual - serie gráfica). GG

Richter, Gerhard
The Daily Practice of Painting. Thames and Hudson (1995)
69 Details. Scalo (1996)
One Hundred Pictures. Cantz (1996)
Gerhard Richter. MNCdA Reina Sofía (1994)
Landscapes. Hatje Cantz (2002)
Atlas. Oktagon (1997)
Zufall. Walther König (2008)

Rist, Pipilotti
I'M Not The Girl Who Misses Much. Oktagon (1994)
Remake of the Weekend. Oktagon (1999)
Himalaya. Oktagon (1999)

Rosenquist, James
James Rosenquist. Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

Rousseau, Henri
Grandes pintores do século XX. Globus (1995)

Ruscha, Ed
Conjunto de 5 postais da série Self-service. MOCA
ID: 623906774

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Arte - Catálogos e monografias Internacionais #1 (A-R)

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