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Blood Music, de Greg Bear
Blood Music, de Greg Bear
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  • Tipo: Ficção Científica

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Usado em excelente condição.

Virgil Ulam is a maverick researcher working on biochips, which will use DNA as a means of information processing. Ignoring guidelines for genetic research, he goes further, producing intelligent cellular matter that can outperform laboratory rats. On being found out and ordered to destroy the experiment, he injects himself with some of the culture, and walks out carrying a seed that will develop far beyond the limits of his brilliant but blinkered imagination
ISBN 9781857987621

Eventuais portes sempre a cargo do comprador e pagos antecipadamente.
Se está a ler isto, é porque todos os itens neste anúncio estão disponíveis - não é preciso perguntar.
ID: 654083763

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Publicado 30 de abril de 2024

Blood Music, de Greg Bear

7 €



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