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Bright day-J. B. Priestley-William Heinemann
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Título: Bright day
Autor: J. B. Priestley
Editor: William Heinemann
Idioma: Inglês
Estado: 5
Encad.: Capa Dura
Área: Prosa
Preço: 10
Código: LT010409
Ano: 1946
Págs.: 368
… J.B. Priestley was especially fond of this novel of his: "I am not one for favourites," he wrote in the introduction to the Everyman edition, "and I have always been irritated by questions about my favourite this, that and the other. But if I have a favourite among my novels, it is Bright Day, which I wrote towards the end of the war." The novel was written towards the end of World War II. JBP disclaimed any autobiographical roots in the work, but it is nontheless resonent with his early youth and coincided with JBP's recoil from the commercial film world. Bright Day was the only serious novel that he wrote in the first person. Gregory Dawson, the novel's hero, is a middle-aged film script writer who goes off to Cornwall to complete a script. At his hotel he spots Lord and Lady Harndean, and realizes that they are the Malcolm and Eleanor Nixey he knew when he worked as a clerk in a Bruddersford wool firm. They represent the beginning of the break-up of the bright day which had preceded the year 1914, and thus the story starts to unfold... Vincent Brome, one of JBP's biographers, wrote: "Bright Day is one of Priestley's two most important and successful novels. The other is Angel Pavement."

Bright day-J. B. Priestley-William Heinemann
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Bright day-J. B. Priestley-William Heinemann

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