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Phoenix 60p
A. L. Kennedy - Tea and Biscuits
Alina Reyes - Close Encounters
Alina Reyes - The Sexual Labyrinth
Andrew Marvell - To His Coy Mistress
Anita Desai - Scholar and Gipsy
Charles Darwin - Natural Selection
Clare Boylan - The Stolen Child
Colette - The Kepi
E. J. Hobsbawn - The French Revolution
Edith Wharton - The Letters
Edward Thomas - There Was a Time
Elisabeth Jane Howard - Mr. Wrong
Fay Weldon - Heat Haze
Francis Thompson - The Hound of Heaven
George Eliot - Brother Jacob
Guy de Maupassant - The Necklace
H. G. Wells - The Time Machine
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - The Wreck of The Hesperus
Jane Austen - Catharine
Janet Frame - The Reservoir
John Clare - The Shepherd’s Calendar
John Cleland - Fanny Hill
Joshua Slocum - Voyage Around The Horn
Kate Pullinger - Forcibly Bewitched
Machiavelli - The Prince
Maeve Binchy - Shancarrig
Maria Edgeworth - The Lottery
Michele Roberts - God’s House
Oliver Goldsmith - The Deserted Village
Richard Leakey - Human Origins
Ruth Rendell - Ginger and the Kingsmarkham Chalk Circle
The Alan Clark Diaries - Thatcher’s Fall
The Mabinogion - Translated by Gwyn Jones and Thomas Jones
Vikram Seth - Riot at Misri Mandi
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Conan Doyle Stories (CD)
Arthur Miller - Plain Girl (CD)
Barry Hines - Elvis Over England (CD)
Ben Marcus - The Age of Wire and String (CD)
Carl Macdougal - The Casanova Papers (CD)
Dedorah Eisenberg - Under the 82nd Airborne (CD)
Iain Banks - The Business - Signed by the Author - 1st Edition 1999 (CD)
Ian McEwan - Amsterdam (CD)
Lampedusa - The Leopard (CD)
Mary Shelley - Maurice, or The Fisher's Cot (CD)
Michael Ondaatje - The English Patient (CD)
Michelle Chalfoun - Roustabout (CD)
Norman Mailer - The Time of Our Time - Signed by the author - 1st Edition 1998 (CD)
Oscar Wilde - The Complete Illustrated Works (CD)
Patricia Highsmith - 4 Histórias de Mr Ripley (CD)
Paul Auster - Timbuktu (CD)
Raymond Briggs - Ethel & Ernest - A True Story (CD) - Banda Desenhada
Richard Ford - Women With Men (CD)
Romesh Gunesekera - The Sandglass - Signed by the author (CD)
Simon Armitage - All Points North (CD)
Terry Southern- Texas Summer (CD)
The Ghouls - 18 Classic Stories That Inspired Great Horror Movies - Introduction by Vincent Price and Foreword by Christopher Lee (CD)
Thomas Eidson - St Agnes’ Stand (CD)
Thomas Pinchon - Inherent Vice - A Novel
Tom Wolfe - A Man in Full (CD)
Will Self - The Sweet Smell of Psychosis (CD)
Will Self - Tough, Tough Toys for Tough, Tough Boys (CD)
William Gibson - All Tomorrow’s Parties - 1st Edition 1999 (CD)
China Miéville
Bas-Lag Trilogy
* Perdido Street Station
* The Scar
* Iron Council
Jeff Vandermeer
The Southern Reach Trilogy
* Annihilation
* Authority
* Acceptance
1 volume de capa dura
Brian Catling
The Vorrh
Kim Stanley Robinson
The Years of Rice and Salt
Roger Zelazny
The Great Book of Amber - The Complete Amber Chronicles
* Nine Princes in Amber
* The Guns of Avalon
* Sign of the Unicorn
* The Hand of Oberon
* The Courts of Chaos
* Trumps of Doom
* Blood of Amber
* Sign of Chaos
* Knights of Shadows
* Prince of Chaos
1 volume de capa mole
John James
Votan and Other Novels
Introduction by Neil Gaiman
Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel
H. P. Lovecraft
* The Whisperer in Darkness
Collected Short Stories Volume One
* The Lurking Fear
Collected Short Stories Volume Four
Stephen King
The Outsider
Matthew Lewis
The Monk
Wilkie Collins
The Woman in White
Ann Radcliffe
The Italian
Horace Walpole
* The Castle of Otranto
William Beckford
* Vathek
Thomas Love Peacock
* Nightmare Abbey
1 volume de capa mole
J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Capa dura
ID: 452397557

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João Nuno Martins

No OLX desde dezembro de 2013

Esteve online dia 01 de agosto de 2023

Publicado 22 de maio de 2024

Conjunto de livros em Inglês (Literatura) - 2

650 €

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