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DVD Musical do Phil Collins "Finally...The First Farewell Tour"
DVD Musical do Phil Collins "Finally...The First Farewell Tour"
DVD Musical do Phil Collins "Finally...The First Farewell Tour"
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Para venda DVD musical do Phil Collins "Finally...The First Farewell Tour" em estado impecável!

Finally...The First Farewell Tour é um concerto ao vivo do cantor Britânico, Phil Collins, gravado em Bercy, Paris.
O DVD foi lançado em Novembro de 2004.


1.Drums, drums & more drums
2.Something happened on the way to heaven
3.Against all odds
4.Don't lose my number
5.Chat to audience
6.You'll be in my heart
7.One more night
8.Can't stop loving you
9.Hang in long enough
10.True colours
11.Come with me
12.Groovy kind of love
13.I missed again
14.Another day in paradise
15.No way out
16.Separate lives
17.In the air tonight
18.Dance into the light
19.You can't hurry love
20.Two hearts
21.Wear my hat
22.Easy lover
24.t's not too late
25.Take me home

DVD original e em estado impecável
Contém o Booklet.
Preço- 6 euros

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Publicado 23 de abril de 2024

DVD Musical do Phil Collins "Finally...The First Farewell Tour"

6 €



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