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Gravador VOZ - My voice DMR 918SU
Gravador VOZ - My voice DMR 918SU
Gravador VOZ - My voice DMR 918SU
Gravador VOZ - My voice DMR 918SU
Gravador VOZ - My voice DMR 918SU
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Gravador de voz Modelo: DMR 918SU.
Entrego com CD e em boas condições.
Não pretendo trocas e envio à cobrança.

Com autonomia em LP.
32 Mb, recording time: 1080 m, voice activation function, LCD, telephone adapter, operating time: 8 h

Record MyVoice DMR-918SU
Maximum recording time (from 8 to 216000 min)
maximum recording time, which is able to implement voice recorder depends on the mode in which to write, from its quality (bitrate). Cassette voice recorders operate normally in a Standard Play or Long Play mode and SP or LP, when in a low quality burn twice as many sound on the same tape.

Digital voice recorders are also often have several recording modes. For each mode, or set a maximum recording time or manufacturer indicates maximum recording time at the lowest possible quality. 1080 m
Maximum recording time (HQ) (from 12 to 15652 min)
this figure indicates the maximum recording time on a cassette recorder in SP (Standard Play) or maximum recording time on a digital voice recorder to maximum bit rate mode (see also " maximum recording time ").

There are two speeds of recording/playback (or multiple recording modes in case digital voice recorder) allows you to vary the ratio quality/recording time. 540 min
Number of folders (from 1 up to 534)
number of folders in the recorder memory determines the ease of sorting your records.

Most often the voice recorder memory is divided into more than one folder so that you can store information in one direction, for example, working separately from the personal. The initial sorting of data not only allows you to search the messages, but also the Organization of the voice recorder. 4

The number of messages (from 64 to 79600)
number of messages on my voice recorder determines not only the volume of the recording in hours, but also the number of files that can run sound recorder. When this number is exceeded, you will need to either remove the part, or move on to the computer. 396

Funciona a pilhas.
ID: 450790517

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No OLX desde setembro de 2012

Esteve online dia 11 de abril de 2024

Publicado 13 de abril de 2024

Gravador VOZ - My voice DMR 918SU

85 €




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