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Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi
Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi
Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi
Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi
Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi
Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi
Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi
Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi
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  • Tipo: Arquitectura


Iconography and Electronics Upon a Generic Architecture: A View from the Drafting Room
by Robert Venturi

(Paperback, MIT Press, 1998, 390 p.)
Idiom: English

These essays, letters, reports, lectures, manifestoes and polemical texts offer a view from the drafting room - commonsense responses, urgent and diverse, in part a reaction against the conceptualizing of architecture today invaded by other disciplines and made obscure. Seven of the essays were co-authored with Denise Scott Brown. The essays include Venturi's 1950 MFA thesis.

Livro de arquitectura como novo.
ID: 649857432

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Iconography and Electronics Upon Generic Architecture - Robert Venturi

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