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Jogo Menacer para Sega Megadrive
Jogo Menacer para Sega Megadrive
Jogo Menacer para Sega Megadrive
Jogo Menacer para Sega Megadrive
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Jogo Menacer para Sega Megadrive

Sem manual, capa da caixa reparada.

Menacer 6-game cartridge,[c] which consists of mostly shooting gallery games:

Ready, Aim, Tomatoes! is a spin-off of the original ToeJam & Earl where the player (as ToeJam[6]) fires tomatoes at ToeJam & Earl series enemies for points as the screen scrolls. The scroll speed increases with game duration.[9] The enemies—dentists, devils, and cupids—return fire throughout the ten levels.[3] The game also features power-ups and lock-on targeting, to aid in player accuracy.[9]

In Rockman's Zone, the screen scrolls through streets of houses as the player shoots criminals and refrains from shooting innocent bystanders, for which the player loses a life.[9] In later levels, the criminals return fire faster.[6]

Space Station Defender is similar to Tomatoes! with added memory aspects. In each level, players shoot enemy-filled pods as up to eight drop in a memorizable sequence.[9] There are 999 levels, a Power Zone to charge shots, and power-ups including extra shields.[3]

Whack Ball is comparable to Breakout: the player controls a large ball with the Menacer to push a smaller on-screen ball into color-changing bricks that line the wall. One all of the bricks change color, the player moves to the next level.[9] Some bricks are power-ups that change the larger ball's size or add extra small balls into play.[6] Players who hit flashing bricks are punished. Inadvertently guiding the ball through a hole in the wall ends the game.[9]

In Front Line, the player defends against tanks and airplanes with a machine gun and missiles[9] with unlimited ammo.[3]

In Pest Control, the player's vision is limited to a small area of the screen around the Accu-Sight crosshairs while looking for cockroaches that attempt to eat an on-screen pizza.[9] Two different power-ups briefly illuminate the screen and clear all bugs onscreen.[3] Later levels feature larger insects that contain bombs and small, fast bugs.[6]
ID: 652360778

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Jogo Menacer para Sega Megadrive

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