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Korg TR Rack Synth
Korg TR Rack Synth
Korg TR Rack Synth
Korg TR Rack Synth
Korg TR Rack Synth
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Korg TR-Rack, the expanded rack-mount version of the groundbreaking Trinity.
This synth features 32Mb of samples in its ROM. There are 415 multisamples and 458 drum samples, that make for a very eclectic, high-quality machine. There are 512 Program patches, and 512 Performance patches.

Additionally, the effects section includes 100 types of insertion effects, and 14 types of master effects.
ID: 654069133

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No OLX desde novembro de 2020

Esteve online dia 16 de maio de 2024

Publicado 26 de abril de 2024

Korg TR Rack Synth

290 €




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