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Le Mystére Des Voix Bulgares (LP/Vinil)
Le Mystére Des Voix Bulgares (LP/Vinil)
Le Mystére Des Voix Bulgares (LP/Vinil)
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Vinil de prensagem original UK.

In the 1980s, Ivo Watts-Russell (founder of the British 4AD label) was introduced to the choir from a third or fourth generation audio cassette lent to him by Peter Murphy, singer from the band Bauhaus. He became thoroughly entranced by the music, and tracked down and licensed the recordings from Cellier. It was re-released in 1986 by 4AD in the UK, by the Nonesuch label in the US in 1987, and appeared on the Philips label in other territories.


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Esteve online dia 29 de maio de 2023

Publicado 19 de abril de 2024

Le Mystére Des Voix Bulgares (LP/Vinil)

20 €



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