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Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti
Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti
Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti
Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti
Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti
Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti
Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti
Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti
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Vendo estes livros, de Física, Astrofísica e Biologia.

Foto 1 (Física/Astrofísica):

- "Astronomy: The Evolving Universe", de Michael Zeilik (530 pgs) (14€);
- "Universe - A Journey to the Edge of the Cosmos", de Nicolas Cheetham (hardcover) (216 pgs.) (10€);
- "Relativity", de Albert Einstein (166 pgs.) (10€);
- "The First 3 Minutes: A Modern View of the Origins of the Universe", de Steven Weinberg (212 pgs.) (7€);
- "The Universe - A Biography", de John Gribbin (242 pgs.) (8€);
- "Black Holes and Baby Universes and other Essays", de Stephen Hawking (hardcover) (181 pgs.) (9€).

Foto 2(Física/Astrofísica):

- "Fear of Physics - A Guide for the Perplexed", de Lawrence Krauss (206 pgs.) (9€);
- "Quintessence - The Mystery of Missing Mass in the Universe", de Lawrence Krauss (356 pgs.) (10€);
- "A Universe from Nothing: Why there is Something Rather than Nothing", de Lawrence Krauss (202 pgs.) (10€);
- "Atom: An Odyssey from the Big Bang to Life on Earth... and Beyond", de Lawrence Krauss (305 pgs.) (10€);
- "Einstein's Universe - The Laymas Guide", de Nigel Calder (254 pgs.) (7€);
- "Dreams of a Final Theory", de Steven Weinberg (hardcover) (260 pgs.) (10€).

Foto 3 (Física/Astrofísica):

- "Physics" (Collins Advanced Science), de Ken Dobson, David Grace e David Lovett (684 pgs.) (15€);
- "Chaos - Making a New Science", de James Gleick (352 pgs.) (9€);
- "The Alchemy of the Heavens", de Ken Croswell (340 pgs.) (7€);
- "Philip's Guide to Stars and Planets", de Patrick Moore (256 pgs.) (7€);
- "In Search of the Double Helix - Quantum Physics and Life", de John Gribbin (369 pgs.) (8€).

Foto 4 (Biologia/Evolução):

- "The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life", de Richard Dawkins (hardcover) (528 pgs.) (15€);
- "The Greatest Show on Earth - The Evidence for Evolution", de Richard Dawkins (hardcover) (469 pgs.) (12€);
- "Unweaving the Rainbow - Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder", de Richard Dawkins (335 pgs.) (8€);
- "The Selfish Gene", de Richard Dawkins (352 pgs.) (8€);
- "The Blind Watchmaker", de Richard Dawkins (419 pgs.) (8€);
- "The Magic of Reality - How We Know What's Really True", de Richard Dawkins (266 pgs.) (8€).

Foto 5 (Biologia/Ciência):

- "A Short History of Nearly Everything", de Bill Bryson (hardcover) (515 pgs.) (15€);
- "Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive", de Jared Diamond (575 pgs.) (8€);
- "The Sacred Beetle and other great essays in Science", editado por Martin Gardner (grandes textos/ensaios de ciência na História) (432 pgs.) (8€);
- "Life's Grandeur - The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin", de Stephen Jay Gould (244 pgs) (7€);
- "A Brief History of Science", de Thomas Crump (423 pgs.) (7€);
- "Science: A History", de John Gribbin (646 pgs.) (8€).

Foto 6 (Biologia/Ciência):

- "The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing", editado por Richard Dawkins (melhores textos científicos) (419 pgs.) (12€);
- "The Faber Book of Science", editado por John Carey (grandes textos de ciência) (528 pgs.) (10€);
- "Evolution as Religion", de Mary Midgley (212 pgs.) (7€);
- "The First Chimpanzee - In Search of Human Origins", de John Gribbin e Jeremy Cherfas (318 pgs.) (7€).
- "A Devil's Chaplain - Selected Essays", de Richard Dawkins (310 pgs.) (8€);
- "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out - The Best Short Works", de Richard P. Feynman (269 pgs.) (10€);
- "The Nothing that Is - A Natural History of Zero", de Robert Kaplan (225 pgs.) (9€);

Foto 7 (Vários):

- "E = mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation", de David Bodanis (hardcover; 324 pgs) (10€);
- "Here Comes the Sun - How it feeds us, kills us, heals us and make us what we are", de Steve Jones (hardcover, 357 pgs.) (12€);
- "The Invention that Changed the World - The Story of Radar From War to Peace", de Robert Buderi (hardcover, 574 pgs.) (15€);
- "Measuring the Universe - The Historical Quest to Quantify Space", de Kitty Ferguson (hardcover, 305 pgs.) (10€);
- "Life's Grandeur - The Spread of Excellence From Plato to Darwin", de Stephen Jay Gould (hardcover, 254 pgs.) (12€);
- "Underdogs - Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants", de Malcolm Gladwell (hardcover, 302 pgs.) (9€);

Foto 8 (Vários):

- "Evolutionary Writings", Charles Darwin (hardcover, 486 pgs) (14€);
- "The Calendar - The 5000 Year Struggle to Align the Clock and the Heavens: and What Happened to the Missing Ten Days", de David Ewing Duncan (hardcover, 360 pgs.) (10€);
- "Science in the Soul - Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist", de Richard Dawkins (hardcover, 434 pgs.) (12€);
- "Life - Extraordinary Animals, Extreme Behavior", de Martha Holmes e Michael Gunton (hardcover, 311 pgs.) (15€);
- "The Cell - A Molecular Approach", de Geoffrey M. Cooper e Robert E. Hausman (hardcover, 710 pgs.) (20€).

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Livros de Ciência, Biologia, Astrofísica e Física (portes gráti

8 €



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