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Vários livros em Inglês e Espanhol, a maioria em óptimo estado. Vários preços :

H. P. Lovecraft - The Complete Fiction (capa dura) - 25 €

Oscar Wilde - The Complete Works - 15 €

Vladimir Sorokin - The Blizzard - 10 €

Victor Pelevin - The Sacred Book of the Werewolf - 10 €

Victor Pelevin - Buddha's Little Finger - 10 €

Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead - 16 €

Ayn Rand - We the Living - 9 €

Ayn Rand - Anthem - 9 €

Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged - 12 €

Jack Kerouac - On the Road - 9 €

Jack Kerouac - Maggie Cassidy - 9 €

Jack Kerouac - Doctor Sax - 9 €

Jack Kerouac - Big Sur - 9 €

Tom Sharpe - Wilt - 10 €

Douglas Coupland - Generation X - 8 €

Robert Louis Stevenson - Kidnapped - 5€

Kurt Vonnegut - Cat's Cradle - 8 €

Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse Five - 6 €

Flann O'Brien - The Complete Novels - 20 €

William O'Farrell - Repeat Performance - 10 €

Calvin Clements - Satan Takes The Helm - 10 €

Virginia Woolf - A Room of One's Own and The Voyage Out - 4 €

Voltaire - Candide - 5 €

Nikolai Gogol - Dead Souls - 8 €

Raymond Carver - What We Talk About When We Talk About Love - 6 €

Raymond Carver - Cathedral - 6 €

Raymond Carver - Fires - 6 €

Gilbert Sorrentino - Mulligan's Stew - 18 €

David Foster Wallace - Oblivion: Stories - 9 €

David Foster Wallace - A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never do Again - 9 €

Friedrich Nietzsche - Twilight of The Idols and The Antichrist - 10 €

Henry James - The Wings of the Dove - 5 €

Henry James - The Awkward Age - 5€

Virginia Woolf - Selected Works - 17 €

Lewis Carroll - The Complete Illustrated Works - 17 €

D. H. Lawrence - Selected Works - 12 €

Henry James - The Portrait of a Lady - 6 €

Friedrich Nietzsche - Man Alone With Himself - 6 €

Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil - 12 €

D. H. Lawrence - The Rainbow - 5 €

Joseph Conrad - Almayer's Folly - 5 €

Joseph Conrad - Nostromo - 5 €

Joseph Conrad - Lord Jim - 5 €

Joseph Conrad - The Secred Agent - 5 €

Joseph Conrad - Under Western Eyes - 5 €

Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra - 12 €

Joseph Conrad - Victory - 6 €

Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness - 3 €

Lloyd Jones - Mister Pip - 6 €

Nien Cheng - Life and Death in Shanghai - 6 €

J. B. Priestley - The Good Companions - 4 €

Iain Sinclair - Downriver - 10 €

William Faulkner - The Sound and The Fury - 7 €

Angela Carter - Burning Your Boats (Collected Stories) - 10 €

Andrew Solomon - The Noonday Demon - An Atlas of Depression - 8 €

Toni Morrison - Beloved - 8 €

J. M. Coetzee - Diary of a Bad Year - 8 €

Wu Ningkun - A Single Tear - 8 €

Paul Theroux - The Mosquito Coast - 6 €

Jonathan Franzen - The Corrections - 9 €

Jonathan Franzen - Freedom - 9 €

Mick Jackson - The Underground Man - 6 €

D. H. Lawrence - The Complete Poems - 8 €

Edgar Allan Poe - The Murders of the Rue Morgue - 5 €

Edgar Allan Poe - The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - 6 €

Steven Pinker - The Language Instinct - 7 €

John Kennedy Toole - A Confederacy of Dunces - 5 € (VENDIDO)

Edgar Allan Poe - Spirits of the Dead - Tales and Poems - 5 €

Edgar Allan Poe - Selected Tales - 5 €

H. G. Wells - The Invisible Man and The Food of the Gods - 8 €

H. G. Wells - The Time Machine and Other Stories - 8 €

H. G. Wells - The Island of Doctor Moreau - 8 €

Kingsley Amis - Lucky Jim - 7 €

Julio Cortázar - Obra Critica (Espanhol)

Julio Cortázar - Novelas (Divertimento; El Examen; Diario de Andrés Fava; Los Premios) (Espanhol) - 11 €

Julio Cortázar - Cuentos Completos I (Espanhol) - 10 €

Karl Kraus - La Tercera Noche de Walpurgis (Espanhol) - 8 €

Marlon James - A Brief History of Seven Killings - 8 €

Alexander Pushkin - Eugene Onegin - 6 €

F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Collected Works - 12 € (VENDIDO)

Paul Torday - The Irresistible Inheritance of Wilberforce - 6 €

Mark Twain - Historical Romances (ed. Library of America) - 20 €

Jack London - Selected Works - 5 €

Naguib Mahfouz - The Cairo Trilogy - 20 €

Augusten Burroughs - Dry: A Memoir - 8 €

Herman Melville - Billy Budd and Other Stories - 5 €

D. H. Lawrence - Lady Chatterley's Lover - 4 €

Mark Twain - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - 6 €

Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - 4 €

Mark Twain - Life on the Mississippi - 5 €

Mark Twain - Short Stories - 6 €

Mark Twain - The Stolen White Elephant - 3 €

Herlan Melville - Billy Budd and Other Stories - 4 €

Lydia Davis - The Collected Stories - 12 €

H. G. Wells - A Slip Under the Microscope - 3 €

H. G. Wells - Kipps and The Research Magnificent - 12 €

Sophie Thérèse Ambler - The Song of Simon de Montfort - 6 €

Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene - 8 € [VENDIDO]

John Steinbeck - East of Eden - 7 € [VENDIDO]

Taylor Branch and Eugene M. Propper - The Labyrinth - 6 €

Marc Morris - The Norman Conquest - 6 €

H. G. Wells - The War of the Worlds - 7 €

H. G. Wells - The Shape of Things to Come - 7 €

H. G. Wells - The First Men in the Moon - 7 €

H. G. Wells - Ann Veronica - 9 €

Max du Preez - Pale Native: Memories of a Renegade Reporter - 9 €

E. M. Forster - Great Novels: Where Angels Fear to Thread; The Longest Journey; A Room With a View; Howard's End - 12 €

Thomas Hardy - Far From the Madding Crowd - 5 €

Patricia Highsmith - People Who Knock on the Door - 7 €

Patricia Highsmith - The Boy Who Followed Ripley - 7 €

Laurence Sterne - The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - 5 € (VENDIDO)

Henry James - The Turn of The Screw and Other Stories - 8 €

Patricia Highsmith - A Game for the Living - 5 €

George Orwell - Down and Out in Paris and London - 4 €

Jonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travels - 4 €

Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities - 4 €

Katherine Mansfield - Bliss and Other Stories - 4 €

Jon Lindsey - Body High - 10 €

Iris Murdoch - The Bell - 6 €

Iris Murdoch - The Sea, The Sea - 5 €

Iris Murdoch - An Accidental Man - 6 €

Iris Murdoch - Under The Net - 8 €

Katherine Mansfield - The Garden Party - 4 €

Miklós Vámos - The Book of Fathers - 9 €

George Saunders - A Swin in a Pond in the Rain - 20 €

Henry James - Great Short Novels - 15 €

Roald Dahl - The Best Of - 6 €

Roald Dahl - Ten Short Stories - 6 €

Fyodor Sologub - The Little Demon - 12 €

Geoff Nicholson - Flesh Guitar - 8 €

Bill Bryson - One Summer - America 1927 - 10 € [VENDIDO]

Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species - 4 €

Martin Cruz Smith - Tokyo Station - 6 €

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ID: 644575379

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Guilherme Geraldes

No OLX desde dezembro de 2014

Esteve online dia 05 de junho de 2024

Publicado 29 de maio de 2024

Livros em Inglês

8 €

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