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Moedas 2 euro comemorativas UNC, Itália 2019 Leonardo da Vinci
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UNC. 2019-Italy-500th years since the death of Leonardo da Vinci. Troca por outras UNC.

Country, Year, Title, Qualidade -->Preço €
Greece, 2004, Summer Olympics in Athens 2004, VF -->2,7
Belgium, 2005, Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, F -->9
Spain, 2005, 4th Centenary of the first edition of Miguel de Cervantes’ ‘El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha’, F -->2,5
Italy, 2006, Winter Olympics in Turin 2006, VF -->2,9
France, 2008, French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, XF -->2,5
France, 2009, Ten years of Economic and Monetary Union and the birth of the euro, XF -->2,9
Portugal, 2009, Ten years of Economic and Monetary Union and the birth of the euro, XF -->3,7
France, 2010, Appeal of 18 June, XF -->2,4
France, 2011, 30th Anniversary of Fête de la Musique, XF -->2,5
France, 2012, 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes, XF -->2,5
Slovakia, 2012, 10th Anniversary of Euro coins and banknotes, UNC -->3,2
Spain, 2012, Burgos Cathedral, F -->2,5
France, 2013, 50 Years of Franco-German Friendship (Élysée Treaty), XF -->2,7
Netherlands, 2013, The announcement of the abdication of the throne by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix, VF -->3,1
Slovakia, 2013, 1150 years from the Byzantine Advent of advent of the Mission of Constantine and Methodius to the Great Moravia, UNC -->3,4
Germany (G), 2014, St. Michael’s Church (Lower Saxony), VF -->3,1
Spain, 2014, King Felipe VI’s Succession to the Throne, VF -->2,5
France, 2015, 225th Anniversary of Fête de la Fédération, XF -->2,7
Portugal, 2015, 500 Years since first Contact with Timor, UNC -->3,7
Slovenia, 2015, 2000th Anniversary of the Founding of Emona, UNC -->3,2
Slovenia, 2015, 30th Anniversary of the Flag of Europe, UNC -->3,2
France, 2016, XV European Football Championship, XF -->2,7
France, 2016, 100 Years since the Birth of François Mitterrand, XF -->2,5
Estonia, 2017, Estonia’s road to independence, UNC -->3,7
France, 2017, 100 Years since the Death of Auguste Rodin, XF -->2,5
Germany (F), 2017, Porta Nigra in Trier, XF -->2,9
Slovenia, 2017, 10th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Euro, UNC -->3,2
Germany (F), 2018, 100 years since the birth of Helmut Schmidt, VF -->3,1
Portugal, 2018, 250 years of Ajuda Botanical Garden, UNC -->3,2
Portugal, 2018, 250 years of the Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, AU -->3,1
Estonia, 2019, 150th anniversary of the first Estonian Song Festival, UNC -->3,4
Italy, 2019, 500 years since the death of Leonardo da Vinci, UNC -->3,4
Portugal, 2019, 600 years since the discovery of Madeira and Porto Santo, UNC -->3,2
Portugal, 2019, 500 years since the circumnavigation of Magellan, UNC -->3,2
Slovakia, 2019, 100 years since the death of Milan Rastislav Štefánik, UNC -->3,2
Cyprus, 2020, 30 years of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, UNC -->3,3
Italy, 2020, National Fire Brigade Corps, UNC -->4,5
Portugal, 2020, 75 years of the UN, UNC -->3,5
Portugal, 2020, 730 Anniversary of the University of Coimbra, UNC -->3,5
Slovakia, 2020, 20th Anniversary of Slovakia's accession to the OECD, UNC -->3,2
Slovenia, 2020, 500th anniversary of the birth of Adam Bohorič, UNC -->3,2
Estonia, 2021, Finno-Ugric peoples, UNC -->3
Greece, 2021, 200 years of the Greek Revolution, UNC -->4
Portugal, 2021, Portuguese participation in the Olympic Games, UNC -->3,2
Portugal, 2021, Presidency of the Council of the EU, UNC -->3,2
Spain, 2021, Historic city of Toledo, UNC -->3,2
ID: 592565393

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Moedas 2 euro comemorativas UNC, Itália 2019 Leonardo da Vinci

3,40 €




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