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Pedal Bass Octave Deluxe MXR M288
Pedal Bass Octave Deluxe MXR M288
Pedal Bass Octave Deluxe MXR M288
Pedal Bass Octave Deluxe MXR M288
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Pedal novo nunca usado, comprado para uso em home studio, mas o resultado não foi o pretendido.

Effect Pedal for Electric Bass

The pedals of the company MXR are a hit since more than 30 years and alongside classics such as Distortion +, Phase 90, Flanger and Dynacomp, Octavers were always on the top of the MXR-charts.

The MXR M288 Bass Octave Deluxe is just the thing for bassists who like experimenting with their sounds. Not only is it possibility to continuously add a lower octave, you can specifically influence the sound quality of it as well.

The Growl knob brings offerc central growling and enhances the sound realism and definition. The Girth controller provides depth to the sound. An experiment: Turning the knob all the way down and the Girth up in exchange, it sounds pretty 80s Bass Synth Style - Give it a try! - Octave sound tailored!

True bypass
Constant Headroom Technology
Two independent octave voices
Midrange boost
Aluminium housing
ID: 649736086

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Samuel Moisés

No OLX desde setembro de 2014

Esteve online dia 15 de abril de 2024

Publicado 12 de maio de 2024

Pedal Bass Octave Deluxe MXR M288

150 €




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