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Power Trip - Manifest Decimation LP
Power Trip - Manifest Decimation LP
Power Trip - Manifest Decimation LP
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Novo no plástico original LP
Vinyl, Vinil, Vinilo, Vinyle

Preferencialmente para entrega em Linda-a-Velha ou arredores e pagamento em dinheiro.

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Drawing from the sacred texts of the Cro-Mags, Vio-lence, Leeway, Exodus, and Nuclear Assault, Texas savages Power Trip have unleashed their debut album with Southern Lord. They leave in their wake a multitude of crushed generic and feeble contemporaries. POWER TRIP don’t emulate they properly channel the old-school energy of the old cross-over gods and add their own brand of modern thrash warfare. “Manifest Decimation” was recorded/produced by Arthur Rizk (War Hungry, Mother of Mercy, Inquistion). The recording is absolutely face-peeling and will ensure maximum head-banging from the hordes.
ID: 653498604

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Bruno Filipe

No OLX desde dezembro de 2016

Esteve online dia 10 de maio de 2024

Publicado 02 de maio de 2024

Power Trip - Manifest Decimation LP

21 €



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