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The holy blood and the holy grail
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Título: The holy blood and the holy grail
Autor: Michael Baigent; Richard Leigh; Henry Lincoln
Editor: Arrow
Idioma: Inglês
Estado: 4
Encad.: Brochado
Área: Prosa
Preço: 7
Código: LT012981
Ano: 1996
Págs.: 558
Dim.: 11 x 18

… A nineteenth century French priest discovers something in his mountain village at the foot of The Pyrenees which enabled him to amass and spend a fortune of millions of pounds. The tale seems to begin with buried treasure and then turns into an unprecedented historical detective story - a modern Grail quest leading back through cryptically coded parchments, secret societies, the Knights Templar, the Cathar heretics of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and a dynasty of obscure French kings deposed more than 1, 300 years ago. The author's conclusions are persuasive at the core is not material riches but a secret - a secret of explosive and contraversial proportions, which radiates out from the little Pyrenees village to all the way to contemporary politics and the entire edifice of the Christian faith. It involves nothing less than the Holy Grail.

The holy blood and the holy grail-Michael Baigent; Richard Leigh; Henry Lincoln-Arrow
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ID: 645172405

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The holy blood and the holy grail

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