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Woman's best friend_Babette Haggerty-Brennan_Contemporary Books
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Título: Woman's best friend
Autor: Babette Haggerty-Brennan
Editor: Contemporary Books
Idioma: Inglês
Estado: 5
Encad.: Brochado
Área: Outras
Preço: 10.00 €
Código: LT006730

… This is the first book specifically written for women and their dogs. Expert dog trainer Babette Haggerty-Brennan looks at the special issues unique to dogowning women in "Woman's Best Friend". With warmth, humor, and expert experience, Babette explores the personalities of different breeds, and their needs as they relate to a woman's specific lifestyle. Unlike other training books, this unique guide offers advice and suggestions specifically for women, whose needs and nature require special consideration. The topics include: Choosing a family dog; Preparing and training for a new baby; Using effective commands; Dealing with embarrassing dog behavior such as sniffing, eating underwear, excessive barking, and more; and Avoiding being overpowered by the dog, i.e. leash tugging, leash breaking, door crashing. In this fascinating and informative book, women get the advice and help they want to find a dog that fits their specific needs.

Woman's best friend_Babette Haggerty-Brennan_Contemporary Books
ENTREGA EM MÃO sem custos adicionais na loja física, LEITURIA, na Rua José Estêvão 45 A, de segunda a sexta (10 – 13h, 14h30-19h30) e sábados (10 – 13h, 14h30 – 19h)

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3* - Razoável. Pode conter imperfeições, dobras ou pequenos rasgões na capa, contracapa ou lombada. Pode conter assinaturas, sublinhados ou outras marcas de posse.
4* - Bom estado geral. Pode apresentar pequenas manchas ou oxidação, assinaturas de posse ou sublinhados, ou não apresentar sobrecapa.
5* - Muito bom estado geral. Exemplar quase sem falhas. Pode apresentar assinatura de posse.
Como Novo – Exemplar perfeito.
ID: 622079771

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Publicado 15 de abril de 2024

Woman's best friend_Babette Haggerty-Brennan_Contemporary Books

10 €

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